Mr. ESP brain sensing headset

Take control of your mind; explore your world within.

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Observe how your brain functions; start living mindfully

Mr. ESP is a smart device equipped with sensors that detects brain activities. Paired  with the app, it utilizes sophisticated algorithms to analyze your state of mind, helping you in maintaining calmness, peacefulness and enhanced focus.

How does it work?

Mr. ESP is a smart device which detects and analyzes the electrical activities in the brain. Brain cells communicate with each other through electrical impulses, and this device can be used to detect potential issues associated with these activities. It tracks and records brain wave patterns in conjunction with the app."

Get the readings immediately.

Brain activities can be analyzed and interpreted in real-time. Unlike traditional brainwave tests, the app features sophisticated algorithms to provide results while you wear it. You can observe how your calmness and awareness levels change and jot down your feelings for future reference.

Make the learning process interactive and fun.

Getting to know yourself is a challenging and often lengthy journey, as the mind is intricate and delicate. With the built-in environmental sound feedback, you can instantly tune in to the nuances within these subtleties. When you're agitated, the rain will intensify, and when you're filled with peace and clarity, you'll hear birds chirping. Learning becomes an enjoyable experience.

Product  Features


Accurate analysis of your brain activity. 


Learn to control your mind in a fun and interactive way.


Reports available for better understanding of your mind.


Track your mindfulness and observe how it changes throughout the day.


Safe for use by children and pregnant woman.


Easy-to-operate Bluetooth wireless connection.


Comfortable design that is easy to wear for extended periods.


Light as a feather, weighing only 10g.

Fast Charging

One charge can last for up to 5 hours. 

About Us

Bhavana Science Inc. was founded with the support from a group of experienced meditators and tech savvy professionals. It aims to provide modern people a scientific and practical means to cope with their mental challenges.

By combining years of experience in meditation and analytical studies on neuroscience with the help of EEG device, we continue working with scholars and scientists to study human mind and we keep on developing useful tools to help people maintain their mental wellbeing.

“We believe that everyone deserve to feel happy and safe”

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